Sunday 3 July 2016

Activating the Appointed Time - Psalm 102:13

Every appointed time is a season for the revealing of someone. There is nothing else that can make your fulfillment happen except genuine encounter with God. It takes God to know your time of visitation, and with it you can be distinguished. We must move
according to God's timetable, because your value is hidden in Him. If you do not understand your value, you can't manifest. And that's the only reason heaven will give you attention.

Everyone is packaged with certain purposes the world is waiting to see. This has nothing to do with your background, but about who you have been destined to be. The value in you will remain dormant until you take action. Always remember that you are keeping your generation waiting by your dormancy ... Rom. 8:19.

The appointed time linger when people remain in their comfort zone. When you are not ready, nothing will change for good. So if there must be change you must be tired of where you are at the moment ... I Kin. 19:7-9. No matter how much God has in stock for you, they will not be realized until you are ready to act towards achieving those fit. In course of advancement, there is nothing as dangerous as comfort zone. At this point, constructive criticism should be embraced that you might know your weaknesses.

Settling for less is the reason for continuous pain and defeat. For you to get to the zenith, optimum capacity should be your placement. Be ready to effectively maximize every resource within your reach. You are to be in control because the inherent abilities in you are more than enough to succeed. If you are not tired of usual things, it will be very difficult for you to celebrate better days. Know it that changes is a character that defines one's goal. You need to stop marking time, you are not meant to be where you are for so long.

God's appointed time is always on motion for genuine encounter. And anyone who gets at it never remain the same ... Gen. 32:22-28. Your relationship with God must meet with His standard, for Him to use you. Separate yourself for Him for He begins with a man and not multitude. Manifestation is being trigger by self-determination. Your encounter with God should be the evidence of who you are. Every champion of God is made from the alter of self-discipline and sacrifice.

The secret of any great man is in his story. If your story is still negative and how life has dealt with you, it is evident that you are still far from God. For you to attain great heights; you must let go those things that God hates and embrace those things He wants. Encounter is the key to all round manifestation, which comes when you seek God from your heart and desire Him. God is ready for that man who is ready to work with Him. Don't let another take your place in God.

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