Saturday 16 July 2016

Be as Wise as the Serpent - Rev. 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six Hundred Three scores and Six - Don’t Queue for Number 666.


  1. You are queuing for mark 666 ... if you have Tattoo on your body, pray that the demon attached to it be cast out.
  2. You are queuing for mark 666 ... if you are in a cult.
  3. You are queuing for mark 666 ... if you have taken Obama chip or about to take it.
  4. You are queuing for mark 666 ... if you are asked to bring your blood samples before you can register.
  5. You are queuing for mark 666 … if you received assistance from Illuminati.
  6. You are queuing for the mark 666 ... if you allow Father to mark you under Ash Wednesday service.
  7. You are queuing for mark 666 ... if you are registered and asked to register number, of persons in some network marketing.


  1. Get out of the queue
  2. Run to Jesus
  3. Renounce your membership
  4. Refund what they gave you
  5. Before the mark, the name, and the number of the beast appear in your body RuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnN!!!

For questions on this message

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