Sunday, 3 July 2016

When The Devil Threatens You - Acts 4:1-37

Primarily, the devil and his agents are always making sure the children of God dwell in frustration. According to the scriptures, even our Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples were threatened, even in their good works.
And for some time now the emergence of laws that are aimed at crippling the body of Christ. Even in our present government, bills are being generated to make survival difficult for Christians. Those who mention the name of Jesus all over the world are not seeing as infidels, and should be killed. And the recruitment of agents to fulfill these means of persecutions is also in the increase.

The tension on the country today is enough for believers not to fold their hands. If not bad economy, it will be Fulani Herdsmen. If not Anti-Christian bills, it will be the mass slaughter of Christians. In Nigeria today, even after voting for CHANGE, the situation grew worse. Be careful to know that the hardship we see today is an agenda to frustrate the mass and make them CHANGE their mind and sell their conscience for what is against the will of God for their lives. 

Today, many are living in fear and some are already prepared to do anything contrary to the will of God as to survive. The rate at which people compromise their faith is alarming, and calls for revival. As children of God, our focus should not only be to receive our individual needs from God, but to also pray earnestly for the land. This is because if there is no peace in the land, your processions may suffer. 

The rate at which the Christian bodies are segregating, has given men of other faith the privileges to persecute the Church. This is the time all Christians need to come together as the disciples did during their time. Those who conspire to deal with the children of God won't succeed if believers call God with one mind.

The following should be part of our requests in these evil days:
1) Give us boldness to preach the gospel.
2) Give us the power to perform signs and wonders to confirm your supremacy in all things.
3) Ask for the ability to shun fear
4) Always evaluate your life, pray for divine guidance. This will help you stay away from sin as not to attract punishment.

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