Sunday 17 July 2016

Make me a flame of fire for you O Lord!

Hebrew 12:29 for God is a consuming fire.
psalm 104:4  He made his Angel spirits and his ministers a flaming fire.

Every  believer is a minister of God.
why do you think God made his children a flaming fire?

1. So that they will be like him: 1John  3:2 (beloved we now are the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that.... when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.) if we are of God, it must show in our day to day life and activities. their must be
trace of fire in you. their must be trace of Grace in you. friends will discover the grace of God in you. let your light shine in every aspect of your life.

2. So that we shall shine so brightly and win souls for him: he wants us to burn and show so much light so that we shall attract men and win then for him. some people never won souls for Christ because of lack of fire.God wants us to be on fire. isaiah 60:3 
the fire in you distinguishes you from others and makes you stand out. the souls you win is  in accordance with your fire (Romans 15:16 that i may be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles....) if you have not won any soul for Christ, you ought to be bothered and rekindle your fire. we have to attract the fire, live a good a life and win souls for him, adultery, fornication and other forms of sin quenches fire.

3. To make us untouchable by the enemy:  the story of Shedrack, Mishack and Abadnego are true examples of what God can do for you when you have the Fire. these 3 Hebrew men have this fire and couldnt be consumed by fire. God will protect you in every sides and your enemies will be under your feet. the scripture says he that is born of God, overcometh the world. when Joshua according to the scripture was clothed with filthy garment, he lost the fore. Zachariah 3:2.
May God give you an unquenchable fire to overcome the world in Jesus name. Amen

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