Sunday 3 July 2016

Operating in the Presence of God - Exd. 33:1-16

One of the things that can help us live in supernatural grace is having understanding and attracting God's presence in our lives. The distinguishing factor between believers and men of other faith is the presence of God. So every man who desires to live in dominion
and prosperity should always seek and abide in the presence of God. This is when God the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit lives in a man. It is the presence of God that makes people unique.

It is not enough to pursue miracle, because the presence of God commands much more miracles at all times. When you consciously surrender yourself to God you won't be liken to a mere miracle seeker before Him. When you have the Spirit of God in you, it will constantly and automatically drive you to the throne of grace. When you lack the presence of God, you are not different from pagans.

You can't get the spirit of God attached to your life by compulsion, but by conscious desire with willingness. God will only take a man serious when he believes. The children of Israel believed God and He kept His covenant with their fathers. But today it is difficult for us to believe or even remember what we hear daily about God; not to talk of practicing them. For you to enjoy the presence of God in your life, you need to learn, understand, believe, and practice God's ordinances.

When you lack the spirit of God, you will always work in the flesh. And that is why even some men of God instead of bringing deliverance, are transferring curses to people. So what qualifies and justifies our work with God is the presence of God in whatever we do. The devil is not moved by our grammar, actions, beauty, creativity, skills, and experiences, rather he respects the presence of God attached to our lives. It is not also enough to have been baptized, speak in tongues, or hold any position in the church ... II Cor. 5:13.

Periodic evaluation as to know our level spirituality is necessary. This will constantly help us to upgrade ourselves and also help to deliver and sharpen others.

The benefits in having the presence of God:
1) It provides anointing for service ... Acts 10:38
2) Provides divine protection against vulnerabilities ... Psalm 105:15, Zach 2:5
3) It banishes fear and makes a believer bold ... Psalm 23:4
4) Make a believer more favourable amongst others ... Psalm 45:2-9
5) Makes one live in dominion

Above all your desires, the presence of God should be of optimum priority. In order to gain this, you need to keep God's commandments ... John 14:20-24.

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