Sunday, 3 July 2016

Traditional Perspective to the Church - John 4:22

One will deduce that tradition has roles to play in the Church, positively or negatively. The word tradition has to do with the passing of customs, believes, history, and ways of life, from one generation to another.
Empires has risen and empires have fallen evening before the coming of the church. The Church emanated after the Roman Empire had existed for five centuries. And before the church, many religions have been in existence ... John 4:22. 

The root of Christian Church reached back the history of the Jewish tradition ... Matt. 5:17. Because the Church is related to tradition, and the growth of the Church is dependent on how the Church manages tradition. So it is not good for the Church to avoid and segregate with tradition ... Luke 5:32. The Church will be ruining her ability to expand if she shuns tradition. Even in the so called Christian family, many churches do not relate with others. 

The coming of the Church in many societies were allowed and accepted after conviction. But the Church settled down to segregate, avoid, and condemn tradition, instead of drawing them close to God. This is the reason many communities would always rise against the Church because has failed to relate with them as Jesus did. Tradition is it the problem, rather the Church. Many who donated their lands and abolished their diabolic faith for Christ are not seen the evidence of their relocation. 

The worse Christians do today in the name of evangelism is to steal members from one church to another, instead of going to the pagans to win them to Christ. With this, there is poor addition to the kingdom of God. Even we keep avoiding these people, who will bring them to Christ? The greatest enemy of the Church now is Islam, and they know the Christians are not one and are not growing as suppose. It is not enough to build mansion as places of worship, but to rapidly increase the number of those who can stand for God. 

It is not all traditions that are bad or devilish. Some can be refined, while some need to be eliminated. But all these need the attention of the Church because the “Traditioners” can't do it alone or on their own. The in dept knowledge of the word of God is what is required for them to believe, and those that need to be respected should be observed ... Matt. 17:27. 

The challenges in the country now are such that the Church should be ready to face and not to shy away from. Timidity is not humility, and until the Church rises to take her place, the world will continue to fight and destroy her. Many problems that has befallen the world today, especially our country Nigeria, wouldn't have come if the Churches held to their assignments. It is not enough for us to call fire from heaven to devour those who fight the Church. We need to also realize that God need them and that's why He sent His son, so killing them is not a solution neither is it God's desire. 

The problem of the Church is that we are in a haste to convert the world, instead of being persistent in showing them love.

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