Sunday 3 July 2016

: Overcoming the enemies - Exd. 14:15

Naturally the desire of everyone is to be celebrated more than those around him. This is the reason many strive, giving life all it takes to be the best. Aspiration is what drives us in whatever we do. Nevertheless, many are relaxed and are not willing to improve their
lives. They seem to be contented with average, yet hope on luck or the promises of God, forgetting that God has nothing to do with those who are lazy.

God has standards and conditions we must full in order to become great. And for the blessings of God to be enjoyed, one must engage him/herself in those principles that attract wealth. In this case, your situation and feelings cannot not bring better life, rather your attitude towards them is what determines the responses you will get. So for you to get to that desired height, your efforts, which must enjoy God approval is very important.

Therefore, it not all about having choice(s), but getting equipped and prepare for the responsibilities attached to those things. In other words, every height must be worked for, serviced, and conquered. Opportunity comes in a form an ordinary man will over look and run away from, and this is the reason many sell their right, retreat and surrender in the face of challenges. The spirit to do unusual things through the inherent abilities deposited within is required, and that attracts help from above.

Today, deliberate disobedience among the children of God is alarming and has caused many to lose their future. It is the reason many are not moving forward no matter how much they try to advance. Disobedience is interpreted as the act of disregard and lack of trust to God, and it is seen as rebellion before God. It is not enough to be partial in your dealings with God and man. It takes transparency and discipline, abiding in the ordinances if God to move forward in all things. Obedience is the practical acceptance and trust on the word of God.

Obey God fully and things will work well with you struggling. When you obey God, He will establish agreement with you in all you seek from Him. Those who do not obey God are practicing witchcraft, and are not liable to see the goodness of God. No matter how tough a journey to greatness might be, it doesn't worth comprising your trust and faith in God.

Another enemy to greatness is self-reliance, and it is shows distrust on God. Human abilities without God's support will amount to nothing. When you decide to do things in your own way, when you think you can help yourself, you will see more troubles in all that you do. We are meant to leave ourselves in the hand of God, because we don't have what it takes to neither save nor deliver ourselves. This is one the reasons God is not moved when we call. It takes the strength of God for one to do exploit. Be careful not to allow self-reliance in your life because it graduates to pride.

In consistency is another attitude we need to be careful of. When God gives us little favour, we sometimes feel satisfied and abandons God ... Rev. 2:25-26. It is import to keep anchoring on God's backing, because the enemy is neither tired nor asleep. When God's hedge leaves you, the enemy will surely strike. The off and on ways of relating with God is detrimental ... II kings 10: 27-31. For a man to succeed in life, he must be able to discover those things that can help him advance, and also those things that can hinder his progress, and then deal with them accordingly.

It takes renewing your relationship with God for you to advance; else the enemy will continue to deal with you. As you are mindful of all these, when God blesses you, be mindful of taking His glory to yourself; including the praises of men. Once more, be careful not to touch God's glory.

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