Sunday 3 July 2016

Gross Insincerity and Unfaithfulness - Isa. 29:13, Matt. 15:7-9

We need to wake up from slumber, and stop deceiving ourselves in our relationship with God. God can do without man, but man cannot do without God. So it is wisdom to know that relating with God with a sincere heart is for our own good.
Thus, we are not in any way doing God a favour with whatever we do in His name. Our relationship is for Him to see reasons to bless us (It is for our own good) ... 1 John 2:3-6.
It has always being the mind of God to raise people who will at all times reflect the life of Christ.

Possessing the attributes of Christ is required to stay close with God. But it is unfortunate that many consider outward appearance in place of having the Spirit of God. It is not also strange to know that many have made up their mind never to change but to remain agents of the devil as to pull others down. These people are found in the church and are referred to as brethren, and they claim to be coworkers in His vineyard, yet most painful experiences are caused by them ... John 14:15-21.

This people lack divine visitations and are always eager to see that others are denied of their blessings. Because their relationship with others is not genuine, the devil possesses them for his evil works ... John 15:11-14. To serve God is to first love Him by honouring His words. So it takes continuous studying of the word of God for you to gain the ability to love and keep God's ordinances ... 1 John 5:3.

Complete obedience is required in our dealing with God, and this begins by putting Him "First" in all things. To sacrifice your personal comfort is another level of attainment we need to pursue in order to gain God's attention ... Matt. 22:37-40. Jesus said that anyone who loves any other thing more than Him is not worthy of His attention (What shall it profit a man if he gains the world and lose his soul).

The reason many are empty is because they are too busy with their own affairs, and have no concern for the things of God with genuine heart  ... Hag. 1:1-11. Another way we can prove that we love God is by the ways we relate with your fellow human being, and how you share your resources with them ... John 13:34-35. God is not mocked... It is what you so you will reap. We are to always honour God with those things He kept in our care.

When we consider all these things and take them seriously, our lives will convince other and draw them to God. It is our negligence to the things of God that hinders our fulfillment. The bible made us to understand that a causeless curse does not arise.

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